
TheDarkTowerisaseriesofeightnovels,onenovella,andachildren'sbookwrittenbyAmericanauthorStephenKing.Incorporatingthemesfrommultiple ...,AnimpressiveworkofmythicmagnitudethatmayturnouttobeStephenKing'sgreatestliteraryachievement”(TheAtlantaJournal-Constitution),TheGunslinger ...,Themaninblackfledacrossthedesert,andthegunslingerfollowed.TheDarkTowerseriestellsthestoryofRolandDeschain,Mid-World'sl...

The Dark Tower (series)

The Dark Tower is a series of eight novels, one novella, and a children's book written by American author Stephen King. Incorporating themes from multiple ...

The Dark Tower (Series) by Stephen King

An impressive work of mythic magnitude that may turn out to be Stephen King's greatest literary achievement” (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution), The Gunslinger ...

The Dark Tower

The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. The Dark Tower series tells the story of Roland Deschain, Mid-World's last gunslinger, ...

The Dark Tower 8-Book Boxed Set

Set in a world of ominous landscape and macabre menace, The Dark Tower series features one of Stephen King's most powerful creations—The Gunslinger—a haunting ...

The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger (1)

A #1 national bestseller, The Gunslinger introduces readers to one of Stephen King's most powerful creations, Roland of Gilead: The Last Gunslinger. He is a ...

The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King

Stephen King's novel series comprised of eight books, incorporating themes from multiple genres, including dark fantasy, science fantasy, horror, ...

The Dark Tower VII

The Dark Tower is a 2004 fantasy novel by American writer Stephen King. It is the seventh and final book in his Dark Tower series. It was published by Grant ...

The Dark Tower

The Gunslinger is a dark-fantasy novel by American author Stephen King. It is the first volume in the Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger ...

The Gunslinger (Dark Tower): 9780452279605

Filled with ominous landscapes and macabre menace, Stephen King's latest mass market novel features The Gunslinger, a haunting figure in combat with The Man ...


這些索引後來整理出版成《史蒂芬金之黑塔索引》(Stephen King's The Dark Tower Concordance)。索引的第一卷於2003年出版,隔年入圍軌跡獎最佳非虛構作品/畫冊(Best Non ...